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How to add real value to your home before you sell...

How to add real value to your home before you sell...

Ben Roberts

By Ben Roberts,

You may have seen 'new year, new me' floating around on social media this month, but what about 'new year, new home'? That could mean moving to a new house more suited to your current lifestyle. Or improving the home you already have and increasing the value of your home.

Improve your home and add value

Here at Keystone Property, we understand the importance of improving your property; particularly if you eventually plan to sell.

Our Managing Director, Ben Roberts recently improved the look of his personal property by k-rendering the front and installing new windows with stone sills.

Through taking the time to improve the property in this way, the project has certainly increased the value and vastly improved the kerb appeal of the property.

So, if you’re thinking of moving this year, why not get started on making some improvements that will add real value to your property?

We’ve put together ten projects that can improve your home and will suit a range of budgets.

Five ways to improve your property if you’re on a budget:

1. A lick of paint

This is the simplest and most cost-effective way to improve the overall look of your property. If your walls and borders are suffering from wear and tear - give them a freshen up.

It’s a good idea to stick to neutral colours as they can open up rooms more and are safe colour choices for potential buyers.

2. Update your kitchen doors and drawers

If your budget can’t stretch for a new kitchen - don’t panic. You can save on cost and time by simply replacing the facing doors on cupboards and drawers and leaving the carcasses.

You can also replace the door and drawer handles to make your kitchen look fresher.

3. Refresh your front door

Your front door can make a striking impression on potential buyers so ensure it’s looking its best. If the door has seen better days, it’s probably best to replace it so be sure to shop around for the best prices.

If your door works fine, a simple coat of paint can make a big difference. It’s a good idea to replace old or rusty door handles/letterboxes too.

We highly recommend composite doors and modern greys and light greens such as Chartwell which work well. However, it all depends on the colour of the brick work or render – please don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and ask for our advice!

4. Add alcove shelving

If your property has limited storage space, why not add shelves to an alcove? It makes use of space you already have and offers an aesthetic element to the room.

This is another cost-effective way of improving how your property looks and will provide potential buyers with more storage options.

5. Tidy-up your garden

This doesn't have to be an exhaustive attempt – no water feature is necessary! However, it’s important to ensure your garden is tidy and looks appealing.

Simply by mowing the lawn, cutting back hedges, planting or hanging some flowers and painting the garden fence, it can look considerably neater.

If you have more financial freedom to improve your home but don’t know where to start; consider the below ideas.

Five ways to improve your property that will add significant value:

6. A loft conversion

This is a fantastic way to provide your home with extra space. Adding another room will add more value to your property and widen interest for potential buyers who require that extra bedroom or space.

7. Add an extension

If you can commit to a bigger project, an extension is a great option for improving your property. It’s important to realise what is missing or can be worked on in the property to add real value.

Maybe the kitchen space could be utilised better, or your home could benefit from a bigger bathroom?

Do feel free to consult our valuer before committing to any kind of extension. Certain areas of Deeside have a ceiling value and you may end up spending money you will not get back if you choose to sell afterwards.

8. A new kitchen

A new kitchen can add plenty of value to your property as many buyers will see the kitchen as being the ‘heart of your home’.

By getting a new kitchen fitted, you are significantly improving the space and look of an important room, so consider changing the layout to create more space and storage if you’re working with a small area.

9. A new bathroom

Freshening up your current bathroom can work wonders for improving your property. Replacing old tiles and flooring and sorting any damp issues will make the bathroom look significantly better for potential buyers. It’s also a good idea to add a shower if there’s only a bath as most buyers will see this as a necessity.

10. Replace your windows

Replacing old windows can increase the value of your property; especially if you’re replacing them with double-glazing. This is now seen as an essential feature in most property types (except for listed buildings) so if you’re updating your old windows - ensure that they are double-glazed.

If you have a period property, it’s important to consider the style of the windows before getting them replaced and whether they are in-keeping with the period of the property.

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